About Me

Welcome to my webpage! My name is Omer Hyajneh. I'm a student studying Computer Science Engineering at the Ohio State University. I'm currently specializing in software engineering while practicing other fields in my free time, such as web development and mobile app development (iOS and Android).

My Experience

As a 4th year (as of writing this) CSE major in college, I've had the opportunity to complete both the fundamentals and some more in-depth classes in computer science, math, and more. Below is a list of classes I have taken which I believe have had a strong impact on my growth as an aspiring software engineer.

Digital Flagship - Student Assistant

As a Student Assistant at Learner Innovation and Success (formerly known as Digital Flagship), I've had the pleasure of being part of a team of student assistants under the supervision of remarkable team leaders and mentors. One of many skills this position has taught me is programming in the Swift language and applying fundamental programming principles to mobile app programming. Please refer to my projects for a demonstration of my mobile app I developed at the end of Course 1. Using the skills we learn on the job and technologies such as GitHub, Microsoft Teams, Canvas, etc., our team collaborates and creates a Swift programming course that gets licensed out to reputable universities across the nation.

For more information on the details of my responsibilities of this position, please refer to my resume.